Monday, September 7, 2009

fried plantains and other things i can make without seriously harming myself...

We had a cooking class today in the houses, and I am happy to report that I managed to stir a pot of soup and fry a pot of plantains with only minor injuries! I got a little oil in my eye and at one point I almost dropped a flaming hot bowl of rice on my foot but there was no permanent retinal damage and the rice was also saved. No harm, no foul.

Oh, did I mention that the food we made was good? No? Oh, that's because it wasn't. It was AWEEEEEEEESOMEEEEEE. Fried plantains, redreh (spicy bean stew), rice, fried fish, spicy eggplant stew, mango and ginger smoothies, kin kay (fermented grain), fresh pineapple and watermelon. I've been in a food coma all afternoon. That's probably why I am unable to express myself or be humorous. Right now, my head is like aksjhdakjhsdjkahsdjkhasd no more eating, just naptime.

Before I go tune out and enter a vegetative state of bliss, I should probably mention Friday night. I sang Don't Stop Believin' at a karaoke bar (Yes, I enjoy embarrassing myself and my country, thanks for asking) and then rode in the back of a pick up truck with a British guy who looked freakishly like Prince William. Oh, my life.

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