Thursday, September 17, 2009


So remember that time my room got broken into? Well, it happened again. Except this time it was at night, while Caitlin and I were there, sleeping. Nothing major was taken-- just our cell phones, a few dollars, my alarm clock and a book of poetry that was in my otherwise empty purse. I'm most upset about the moleskin, because Dana gave it to me and it had the only two decent poems I've written all year in it.

Actually, I take that back. I'm most upset about the fact that we were in there. I can handle someone coming into my room when I'm not there but  when I was a kid, I would get up in the middle of the night, maybe 3 or 4 times, and check to make sure the alarm was on and the doors were closed. It sounds crazy, but the idea of such things is what kept me up. And here it's even worse because theft is such a big deal that if a robber sees you and knows you've seen them, they'll kill you. I just feel blessed that when I heard a crash, I assumed it was my alarm clock fallen off the bed and didn't get up to check anything. 

For now they're switching our rooms and installing more security cameras, not to mention getting rid of all the access points. Like this shed in the neighbor's yard that's as high as the fence. You would think this all would have been taken care of the FIRST TIME, but then again this isn't New York. 

The good news is that Caitlin and I will probably stay roommates, which is great because we work perfectly together. But we're losing our extended family, Brenda and Krissy, to another house. It's so unfair. We share our bread! No one else shares bread. It became clear to me last night, when they woke up and stayed with us, that the 4 of us really are a little sisterhood and we take care of each other. Which, I think, is worth more to me than a cell phone and 10 cedi.

1 comment:

  1. i'm so sorry sweetie, that sounds super scary. talk about alliteration... anyway, i'm so glad you're ok and i wish you the safest rest of your stay despite all this obsurdity, hope you can get past it and continue having a good time! love you!!
